This is actually a requested map, with some specific requests. I call it a commission, because I was asked to make this map for someone else, and I'm following his guidelines... but the truth is, my husband asked me to make this for his campaign. Does it count a commission if I'm not getting payed(although some would argue that as my husband I get pretty much what ever I want anyway... and they'd be mostly correct! lol)

The specifics for this map. A fairly small arctic type island, uncharted and undiscovered(which means no inhabitants other than possibly animals or monsters), with one massive solitary mountain, in the south east, and snowy hills. The rest was up to me. So this is what I have so far.

Now I have no idea where this is in his world, he mentioned forests, which is why I have them... but he also mentioned a fairly desolate island... so I did my best to represent that.

This map is far from finished...and I'm looking for suggestions on what I might find on an arctic island to bring a little extra *umpf* to it.

Uncharted Isle02lrg.PNG

as always feel free to comment, suggest, rate, or bolt as you see fit!