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Thread: Guild World Map - Community Challenge

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  1. #10
    Guild Expert Facebook Connected Tonnichiwa's Avatar
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    Dec 2014
    Ocean Shores, Wa.


    Actually, it has been done and seen elsewhere before. Campaign Cartographer can do that stuff. It is built into the program. They call it making an interactive atlas. Way back in 1999 Wizards of the Coast contracted the people who make Campaign Cartographer, the Profantasy company, to make them one for the Forgotten Realms. They mapped out the entire known world of the Forgotten Realms, with every supplement they could find for the Dungeons and Dragons game. It let you see the world from the view of a spinning globe, a flat map of the entire planet, the continent of Faerun, etc. It let you click on cities and get information on those cities. In some cases you could also click on specific buildings and get info on them as well. It also allowed you to do this for some dungeons and ships and a lot of different things. They had different zoom levels for maps too.

    Sadly, it was done in 1999, when graphics were not as good as they are now. So all of the graphics are from Campaign Cartographer 2. And unfortunately, Wizards of the Coast has not given Profantasy permission to re-make the atlas using newer graphics. So it languishes in cc2 graphics...

    It is called the Forgotten Realms Interactive Atlas. Luckily I own it so I am able to re-make maps for it if I wish and create my own atlas for my own personal use. So far I haven't done that but I could.

    Now all of that stuff was made using CC2, and I am certain I could do it if every map were made using CC3+, but as far as I know, only my map in the Cartographer's Guild Birthday Mapping Challenge is made with cc3+. So I am not sure I would be able to make an interactive atlas using other people's maps.'ve got me curious now...I need to research this.

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