So here is the latest version so far. What my husband actually wants, is a cold, desolate arctic island with only one beachhead. I can't extend that northwestern point any farther, because that would give another point with which to come ashore. What I did instead, was to cut away the 'extra' land. I added terrain fills behind my mountains and hills, to suggest a 'rocky' terrain, and then grabbed the 'icy rocks' from the Mike Schley's symbol set, to make the rest of the land mass a little more treacherous. I still haven't added any glaciers or ice flows... but they are coming, I promise! Right now, I'm just trying to get the island set. So this is what we have so far!

Uncharted Island02lrg.PNG

Still looking for suggestions, comments and ideas on how to spice up this desolate island!