So, that would be my third map and I wasn't sure in which section should I post it. Technically it's WIP, but after spending -literally- hundreds of hours to draw it (and also to research proper locations and stuff), I am kind of fed up for now. I would call it 75% done, but have zero motivation to work on it in the near future.

It is based on the Thief video games (strictly only the first two, some fluff -locations names, etc- is taken from Deadly Shadows), I would call it semi-canon. Comments and criticism is welcome, I was struggling with two particular things. First and foremost labeling, I had (and still have) no idea how to properly do it. I was considering to draw arrows and use legends (for the locations, listed on the right side), but it looked... meh. If I actually place the label on the city itself with a painted background (for the label itself) then I would cover way too much from the buildings. That version looked bad as well.

My second grief is water based structures, like bridges, piers, etc. I'm kind of missing them, but didn't really find a proper way to draw them. All of my attempts looked rather uninspiring and unfit to the art style.
