Here is my final version of The Lost Coast.

It's the first regional map I've had a go at making, I posted up the very first draft of it here:

Straight away I got some comments that drew my attention to certain details which were very helpful in making some features feel more natural. Now I've got the bug for making world maps I thought I'd add a few finishing touches and put this one to bed as is so that I don't run the risk of improving it to death, take what I learned from the process and use that on a new project.

The general theme of the map is that of a lost continent, once the seat of a grand civilization that fell to ruin due to some unnatural event. The climate would be pretty northern European, quite cold and wet, pretty bleak in all and this section of the coast is where it is the lushest due to the large mountain ranges catching the rain from the sea and depositing it back onto the land.

So voila, here it is. One down, hopefully many more maps to go!
