Hey there guys!

I would like to present my newest commission. The main country depicted is called Arkaias. It is inspired by Greece, with plenty of archipelagos near the mainland peninsula. The client requested a map riddled with mountains and island chains, and that's something I love to provide. The idea is to create a map that only shows the physical geography and the major political regions, which will be the backdrop for the client to work out history and city locations as he goes along.

The image is 'adorned' with a rather ugly watermark. I know, I hate them too! But I decided to add it anyway to ensure exclusivity for the client. I will post a watermark-free version of the finished map once it's completed.


What I've done up til now:

  • coastline;
  • parchment background;
  • water colour;
  • all the mountain ridges of Arkaias proper;
  • Arkaias rivers;
  • terrain shading in Arkaias.

Next up: the mountains, rivers and terrain shading on the rest of the map.