Following the world map I recently finished, I now start the first political map in this world. My goal is to map one human society, goes by name “Trindlum Dominion”. They do have some land from the continent, but mostly they reside in number of islands.


I don’t know the overall layout of the map, but it will have a small minimap of the continent, the main area of the dominion and bunch of distant islands that also “belong” to them. I guess that will be my WIP layout, until I come up with the design I want. I need small info banner somewhere, telling the capital and such.


I made a severe perspective mistake in my world map, and here I made a small test for the style (don’t mind the color, blue is my drafting color). It started to grow on me, most likely I will aim for something like that! Those trees will be lot of work though.


Here I began drawing and shading the mountains. Unlike last time, I will now do the shading in same way as I did this compass: