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Thread: Town of Adirannon

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  1. #1
    Guild Master Josiah VE's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2016
    Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

    Default Town of Adirannon

    So for the Guild World I started on a town map, on the shores of Lake Latbel, Adirannon.

    The reason I didn't put this in town mapping is because I'm it will include other maps, such as structure maps, and story.

    So here is the WIP town map. It's smaller than I was originally planning, but oh well. Just a tiny bit to the west of the actual town there is a military port, actually pretty small but the largest one on Lake Latbel (there isn't a whole tonne of seafaring on the lake, it's pretty small after all.)
    The town itself is a fishing town, lots of boats, which is fun. It was very enjoyable making the boat brushes and then putting them all over the map!

    Lake Latbel copy.jpg

    And I whipped up a quick sketchup model to trace off of to make an illustration of Benyei harbor.

    I don't know, I included this just cause, if anyone wanting to see it. The sketchup model:

    Lake Latbel Blockhouse.jpg

    And the actual illustration:

    Lake Latbel Blockhouse.jpg

    I would like to do more illustrations, such as a lower view of the watchtower being blown to pieces by a canon (part of the story I'm writing for this ), and maps of notable structures on the map. Of course it all takes time, but some of the buildings and illustrations might only take an evening each.
    Well, let me know what you think of it, I'm going to post it in the Finished Maps section too..

    So yes, I'm writing a story for this, I'll post it here and I'd like to eventually compile all the stuff I'm making for this into a PDF..

    And thanks to Caenwyr and Snodsy for inspiring me!
    Last edited by Josiah VE; 05-27-2016 at 07:44 PM.

    I offer map commissions for RPG's, world-building, and books

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