Hello everyone,
I thought it maybe appropriate that I reintroduce myself after a long, long absence. I've been away for 2+ years because life got hectic (opened a retail store which ate my time and energy). I'm back because I have sort of a new life now and a lot more time to pursue my hobbies and interests. For the past few months I've been lurking on the fringes, admiring the new talent that has found its way to the Guild, and keeping up on the TCG Facebook feed.

One of those, relatively new ones, is doing some recording for YouTube and streaming on Twitch.TV. I've been doing game playthroughs and such but I'm also ramping up doing some tutorials. One of these, just started today is called "Let's Make Maps" (first episode). It's going to be nothing new to the old hands around here but it might, I hope, be of interest to some newcomers. Hopefully I can pass on some of the things I've learned or inspire some new people to get into the hobby.

I'm not just here to plug. I plan on getting more active on the forums again, participating in contests, and so forth. I doubt I've got another Cartographer's Choice map in me...but we'll see.

If anyone is interested:
mearrin69 on YouTube
mearrin69 on Twitch.tv
My Twitter feed
My site (You can find my map gallery here at TCG but there's also one at my site).