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Thread: Cartographers/Mappers Needed

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  1. #13


    @jpstod - I'm unclear why it is that you believe you were too expensive, I didn't identify that your price was an issue at any point during our brief correspondence - and it wasn't. The issue was that your pricing was not competitive compared to others with what, my colleagues and I felt, were much stronger portfolios. I'm happy to say that the prices we agreed with the artists that we're working with are, across the board, at or above the price you provisionally tendered. There was however another, specific reason why we decided not to take you up on your offer that is unrelated to your portfolio. I won't post/discuss that here as it would be unprofessional for me to do so, that said, if you would like some constructive feedback for use when making approaches in the future; please feel free to email me and I'll be happy to discuss the matter with you. I must say, your comments here don't reflect well on us or yourself. I sincerely hope that anyone who reads this thread won't be discouraged from contacting us in the future. I'm 100% certain that those who have done so already have found us to be courteous and professional. We try to maintain fantastic relationships with those we collaborate with. This is a very small industry and we DO NOT seek to make enemies or alienate people.

    I won't respond to subsequent messages on this thread as I think I've articulated myself as well as I'm going to and I don't really have anything else to add. Thanks again to everyone who got in touch, Daniel McDonald.
    Last edited by Daniel@Deepdark-Designs; 06-04-2016 at 03:59 PM.

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