Hi everyone, I have been lingering around these forums for a little while admiring others' work and reading through some excellent tutorials and have finally found a bit of time to try my own hand at creating a map. I am still in the early stages, mostly because I get a little bit into the process and then decide that my effort is not good enough and I should start again. Which on the plus side has given me lots of practice at the first few stages of RobA's excellent tutorial.

Anyway, I'm going to post two pictures; one with the current state of the map and one with the underlying continental plates (to hopefully explain some strange geology). Please critique both, I need to figure out how to improve this.

500px - Corellia v1.1 tectonics.png
5000px - Corellia v1.1 tectonics.png

Now the "strange geology" I mentioned is the small plate which is in the middle of the largest continent. The two larger plates are pushing into it from either side, eventually destroying it I would imagine. I thought in this region there would be mountains on the leading edge of the two larger continents and the land on the smaller plate could be lowlands. Does this make sense?

500px - Corellia v1.1.png
5000px - Corellia v1.1.png

Another small question I have is regarding GIMP; I want to have the edge of the map running down the ocean which is currently to the east of the main continent. I have tried cutting a strip off the right hand side, inverting selection and moving the main body of the map over to the right and then pasting the other section back at the left hand side, but it won't let me paste. There is a broken yellow line down what is currently the left edge of the map and nothing shows up beyond that point. Can anyone advise me how to fix that?

Any and all advice is welcome, thanks for your time.