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Thread: Desert Planet/World Map

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    Default Desert Planet/World Map

    Hi guys!

    I am currently trying to create a world for role-playing game I would be hosting that would be on a planet very similar to Mars with a few differences and I would need someone to make a map for ir for me, pretty please! (I tried myself, but either I become lazy or I hate what I come up with, so I decided to give up.)

    What I absolutely need on the map is two continents, one quite large (think Eurasia) and the other quite small (think Australia) with the rest of the planet containing either very small continents or even fractured islands, that would be up to the map artist. Basically, the planet is still at the Pangea stage, just starting to rift and break up.

    The rest of the planet would be covered in toxic water in one large ocean. There would be little to no water on the continents themselves.

    I would need to see general features, like mountain-chains, volcanoes, rocky plateaus and anything else that would be important map features shown.

    While I could try and do that myself, if the artist is also willing to work with me to add around 5 population centers according to certain specific rules (example: One being in a canyon, one being close to mountains, another being coastal, etc...) it would be great.

    Examples of maps I like: (Minus all the locations added in, as it is not required for my project.) (I like the simplicity of this one!) (Minus all the city and town fluff) (I especially like the desert area in the South East) (If this one was a desert world, looked a little bit more like a Pangea super continent, it would pretty much be something I'd like, minus all the cities)

    Now, that is it for the basic project and I don't know the price range for such a map, but I am open to discuss the price. Also, no time limit as I am in no rush, but the quicker, the better!

    Depending on how much my basic project cost, I might be able to afford/request that the artist makes 3 different versions of that map.

    Version 1 would be before humans arrive on the desert planet. (Basic project)

    Version 2 would be when the humans land on the planet (Ship location plus a few outposts added from the native specie of the planet)

    Version 3 would be when the humans depart from the planet (former landing location and how much the humans had expanded + A few new notable locations)

    Anyhow, the project has a lot of artistic liberty provided, while keeping in mind some specific rules. If you are interested or if, in general, my project needs more information, let me know and I will add more! I tried to stay basic and clear.

    Contact me here in this thread, in PM if I have the number of posts required or via email at -Redacted-

    *Sneak edit* Bonus points if the map artist can come up with general terrain names like Rocky Dunes or Narrow Mountains or whatever for the different part of the maps. I use a generator for these usually, but good names are hard to come across.
    Last edited by Newguy12354; 06-20-2016 at 07:27 PM.

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