Greetings and salutations fellow creators, dreamers and artists!

... That's about as long as I can pretend to be pompous.

I'm Islacrusez, though also known as m4rek or m4. If you know me from elsewhere, it's a small world after all. I've been brought here through my DMing, as a result of just not having a world that fulfills my needs. It started as a short campaign exploring the day-to-day affairs of adventurers, including things like travel and weather, food and water etc... However the mk 15 standard issue fantasy world just wasn't cutting it, largely due to the extensive spellbook known to fantasy. I left that train of thought for a bit and began plotting some story arcs, suddenly I needed a new moon, a map, empires and alliances, wars and resources. You know how it goes. One moment you need a local map and the next moment you're carving up empires on a fictional world map. My quest for resources to build my world has brought me here.

So hello there, fellow lunatics!