So now that I finished the Horn & Stars Tavern, I've moved on to my second project, Lorkandan's Skeaulvradkt Kiondju, or Soulburn Castle in the common tongue. This is the ancient homestead of the Lorkandan Royal Family, and the origin of the Tieflings in my 5th ed campaign.

Soulburn Castle rests in the rocky foothills of the mainland's Dryiptalhecht (Demon's Heart) Mountains.

I've had to restart this map three times now, so I'm not as far along as I would like to be, but you can(hopefully) start to get an idea of what the castle is going to be like. It's a dark, sinister places, full of secrets and pain.

I will admit, I'm going to need some help with this one.... I haven't the foggiest idea what I'm going to do with this castle. The dungeon, I know EXACTLY what I'm doing there... but I can't really start the dungeon, until I have a good idea of what the layout of my castle is going to be. I have a fairly blank slate so far, so I could use some suggestions. oh, and the grid won't be there at the end... that's there mainly to help me keep things consistant between the first and second floor, which right now, is an exact copy of this one....

I hope you enjoy the process!

Soulburn Castle_Floor 1lrg.PNG

And as always, please feel free to comment, critique, rate, rank or run away as you see fit!