Quote Originally Posted by Josiah VE View Post
How do you do it so fast?? This map is already AWESOME! How long have you been mapping for? A month or two? You has some serious talent.
I love the subtle colour and shading on your maps, it works really nicely.
There are so many great entries!
One month today actually, finished my first one on 9th of June. :>
I have been working with computer graphics as I've said before, and one of the traits you pick up there very quickly is speed. Everything is always in a rush.

I can give you some potentially intimidating numbers if you like. Getting the map to this stage took about 9 hours and I spent probably 40 min trying to find a good shape using clouds and threshold. I then redrew the outline 2 times before I found a level of jaggedness that I thought looked decent, and probably 1-2 hours at the end spent on trying to figure out a background for it, before arriving at it's current faded look. I also spent some time looking at tutorials for drawing the mountains!

I have been trying to build up speed for years though, so don't feel you should be faster than you are if that makes you stress out. I know I got very stressed when I was younger and saw how fast people were with stuff. It comes naturally with time.

I'm not sure what to do with the colors yet, I quite like this subtle faded tone so far, I will probably change my mind a few times before it's done though.
Thank you though, happy to hear that you like it.