In the attempt to tackle some of my many unfinished maps before diving deeper into this month's challenge, i just finished this map of the warring Kingdoms of Grant and Karst. It was made for fun, trying out some new things, but in the process i began to like the map more and more, so i'm happy to present it to you now. Enjoy!

While Grant, the northern Kingdom, is built on it's fertile lands along the rivers and a long agricultural tradition, the ragged landscape of Karst made it often necessary for the karstian people to drive out not only for fishing, but for raiding along the Tincoast. That's why the largest grantian cities are wisely built in the interior and the few coastal cities (like Schlageln, Knork and Sandern) are heavily fortified. The ongoing centralization of the Kingdom of Grant (compared with the rather loose vasaldom of Karst) made it more and more possible to defend itself against the constant aggressions from the warmongering neighbours, so that many grantians are now calling for preventive actions in the south. The coming war might not be the last one between the two Kingdoms, but it could be decided by the mercenaries from Vasnic, hardened in battles in the eastern steppes and only waiting for the highest bid...