Quote Originally Posted by acrsome View Post
Ah, but here's the really neat thing: no one really knows what determines the number of Hadley cells, so you can make up anything you like. Certainly rotational period matters... and probably size... but also maybe atmospheric density, so once it's terraformed it might have more Earthlike cells. Venus OTOH has a very dense atmosphere but barely rotates at all, so it also only has one Hadley cell per hemisphere.

I'm a bit of a Mars fanboi...

Honestly though, yes, you're probably correct that even a thicker atmosphere wouldn't give tiny Mars more cells. So this might be a nice one-shot project for someone who knows what drives climate and could puzzle it all out. *cough-Azelor* At least figuring out currents in The Ocean wouldn't be comparatively complex.

Hell, maybe someday I'll turn my hand to it. Someone would have to port Azelor's Photoshop script to GIMP first, though. I looked into getting Photoshop but they've gone to a subscription cloud-based model, which I find abhorrent. I mean, $20/month?!? Seriously?
It's also possible to do the final stage (determining climates) manually, though it's very time-consuming. Alternatively you can probably just put your maps in this thread and ask someone with Photoshop to run the script for you (like Azelor did for me, previously).