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Thread: Ethran: Merelan City

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  1. #11


    Version... umm... 14 (so we don't touch on that other number that ends in 3)

    Because the island is so steep, there is little point in owning a cart if you live on Merelan. However, the moment you leave the island there is a large wainwright established opposite a tavern at the beginning of the road leading north, where you can buy or rent your transport. Travellers arriving at Merelan frequently rest in the tavern at the end of the mainland stage of their journey, before crossing the Riffle (oops, I've removed the name of the straights from the map) and starting up the steep and unforgiving slopes of the island.

    The wall across the northern lowland coast of the island might appear to be oddly placed... until you realise its only there to keep the rabble of climate refugees gathered in the shanty towns on the marsh (yet to be redrawn) out of the city.

    Scale has been an issue from the beginning, and once the first couple of buildings went on, I accepted the fact that was pointed out to me by a friend on another forum - that the "gravel" looked more like massive boulders in comparison, and changed the scale of the texture. Because reducing the scale meant having those horrible repeating patterns reappear, I changed the texture for sand-soil, and altered the HSL settings to make it look like gravel (I hope).

    I have more work to do on the water, now that the scale has been established. The breakers are too large and widely spaced.

    EDIT: Higher res image uploaded. Also - just noticed the error occurring on the round lookout towers along the wall. This is part of the software problem I was having earlier today. Hope to have it resolved by tomorrow.
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    Last edited by Mouse; 07-24-2016 at 12:07 AM. Reason: better image

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