
Once upon a time, I've uploaded a map of a continent named Voseria which was part of my conworld. That was two years and many, many iterations of the said world ago. As it often happens, the world I created in my head has gone through many changes - some small, some big - and the map created back then has simply become outdated. Two years is a long time and it saw rise and fall of quite a few attempts at creating a new, fresh Voseria yet finally I am satisfied with the outcome. Continent has changed its shape, has been divided in different ways and has been baptised under a new name - Northern Lurda.

There are, of course, many things that do bother me about the map and will probably be tweaked or changed, but the current version is definitely final version. As I don't plan any more major changes, I want to share the map with you and hear your thoughts on it. Any and all critique is welcome, as well as suggestions, questions and praise. I hope you'll like my work!

Old map of Voseria

