A few months ago, I created a series of structures all useful for your typical fantasy village - 15 in all, for a product I call Village Encounters.

So, after someone mentioned that I haven't made too many fantasy maps (primarily creating sci-fi maps and deck plans lately). So I decided to create another map product including a series of related maps. This time I'm creating a series of forgotten urban locations - places in most cities where the residents tend to avoid, places like an open sewer canal, parts of the sewer system, inaccessible rooftop locations, abandoned ruined structure, overgrown vacant lots, etc.

The seed that started this was my recollection of an NPC I created back in a D&D 2e game back in the 1990s. I had this group of evil players that liked to roll bums as the first thing they did when visiting a new city, actually one of the players always did this, so it was something the party followed. I wanted to teach them a lesson, so I created a homeless wino, that was actually a disgruntled druid and who was 3 levels higher than any of the PCs, after the second PC death in that encounter, the druid shapechanged to a pigeon and flew away. That party never rolled bums again.

With that story in mind, I decided to create areas in the city where only homeless and fugitives go. I plan on creating about 15 locations though have only come up with ideas for 12 location though I'm sure I'll get 15 eventually.

This is the exit to a sewer system going under a house and entering an open sewer canal...

