Thanks very much for your comment, Abu Lafia. Being pretty new at all of this mapping stuff (really graphics work of any kind), I find it much easier to identify "the what" of something I don't like. For example, "The border of this map bothers me," or, "I don't like how this bridge looks," are things that I might think while critiquing my own map. What I constantly struggle with is "the why!" WHY don't I like this border or that bridge when I've liked others?

I brought that up because you just, rather adroitly, put into words for me all the things I couldn't regarding the rivers! I have erased, changed, re-routed and re-done the rivers in my map many times, and never end up liking anything I've done any better than what I started with. That is why in the WIP I'm about to post, you'll see, sadly, no change in the rivers.

Take heart teacher, mentor and great-advice giving man, Mr Lafia! Armed with your thoughtful and helpful critique, I will once again shout 'EN GARDE!' to my nemesis, the river. This time, we don't stop until one of us is more beautiful than when we started!! lol! ;-)
(Note: I don't know if that last paragraph made any sense outside of my head. But it made ME laugh; and that's what's important. LOL!)