Hey guys, pretty straight forward thread, I'm planning my very first large-scale campaign thanks to finally living near a group of friends who are interested in playing regularly.

Since this is my first time making a large map rather than something to be used for a one-shot I could really do with some feedback on the functionality of the map, especially concerning travel times and scale. The map is intended to be a set of islands rather than a large continent or world map but I would like it to last us for a very long time, though I suppose the freedom of planning a set of islands rather than a world map is that I can always expand by adding more islands or larger continents if more content is required.

I've added markers for cities and villages that I feel would be in specific locations such as fishing towns being near cities by the sea and trade towns being at crossroads or province borders however I intend to give the players a copy of the map and tell them to mark unique locations (that I improvise) such as small hamlets or manor houses etc as we play.

So with all that out of the way, here's the map.
