Quote Originally Posted by waldronate View Post
Is there an archway over the entrance to the domed area with "We Fear Bees" on it?
LOL! I had to think for a minute before I understood the reference there... and I've probably got it wrong, but I'm very much hoping this isn't going to turn into an 'Eden Project' lookalike LOL

Quote Originally Posted by snodsy View Post
This has come together so beautifully, all the details, the paths are very well done, maybe slightly blur the waves whitecaps? They look a little to linear, the red rocks seem a little harsh in contrast, but not too bad, I'll be rapping this, maybe for a second time, great job!!
Aw thanks Snodsy (even though I don't think you can rep the same thread twice?). Its the thought that counts

The coming together of things was relatively easy for me - I have the advantage of having spent a couple of years trying to visualize this island while writing the novel its for. Mind you, there are parts of the story I will need to update to reflect the fact that some bits of it are slightly different to the way I wanted them to be - but those parts tend to be an improvement on the way I described them in the story

I agree with you on the waves, but haven't yet decided which technique to use to blur them some more, since one edge must be reasonably sharp, while the other needs to ramble on in a fine mesh of fading tendrils down the back of the wave.

The red rocks? What red rocks? OOOH!!! I see ROFL!!! Um... that's.... my attempt at seaweed Well - lets just say that I may need to work on that just a bit The main problem I think, is that everything was turned up to full blast colour (and then some) just to make it look right after being filtered through the black and white relief bitmap I imposed on the drawing. When I replaced it with a set of traced vector shadows everything binged back to full glorious colour. A lot of the drawing time over the last two days has been taken up trying to tame the colours all over again, but there are Sheets (Layers) I haven't done yet, and the weed is one of them.