It's occurred to me that I haven't actually posted a WIP thread here in quite some time, with my last maps going directly from my home drawing board to the "Finished Maps" subforum. Well, time to remedy that!

After being incommunicado for some time the lead designer at Shrike Studios finally got back to me with the details for the third map I was initially contracted to provide for their kickstarted roleplaying system. This time, it's a desert setting, with the main locations sitting cornered between the high cliffs of canyons while a sea of rolling dunes extendes as far as the eye can see to the west. As far as I understand it, it's also a bit of a siege situation, with a military camp and a lander star ship outside the western canyon walls.

### Latest WIP ###

So, without further ado, here's what I've got so far.

Emissary 3rd Commission WIP1.jpg