This map is a commissioned map for a client that needs a map for an upcoming novel. I have really only just started, and the first thing I want to make sure of, is that the client approves the shape of the continent I will be working on. That is the main continent you see here. I decided to use the Herman Weilink style for this map, as I really like the colors, and based on the amount of information I've received, I thought the darker colors would represent this world better.

The main continent is the particular part of interest on this map... I added the other landmasses to the north east and south west for aesthethic purposes, so those may stay, or they may not, depending on the client's wishes, of course.

This is actually going to be an interesting process, because I accepted this commission from the map requests forum on this site, and as such, the client will (hopefully) be taking part in this process!

### Latest WIP ###

and as always, feel free to comment, critique, suggest, rate, rank or run away as you see fit