Quote Originally Posted by Wired View Post
A wonderful piece. If I could pick on one point that I feel could be improved it's the lack of ships and boats. Having a few of these could turn this from a beautiful yet static map into one that's truly alive.
Thanks Wired. I did consider including ships in this image, but thought it would delay the project too much, and risked cluttering the sea. Good suggestion, though.

Quote Originally Posted by snodsy View Post
What a beautiful piece, I can see why it took a while to complete, so much detail, love the cliffs, reflections and shapes of the buildings are really cool, only comment the green trees seem overly vibrant?. Will spend some time looking over all the details, great job and inspiration. Have some reps.
Thanks Snodsy. I think the excessively vibrant trees and colours are for the landmark buildings, which I saturated a bit to make them stand out more. Too much, perhaps?

Quote Originally Posted by flailx View Post
This is gorgeous! I loved zooming in and seeing the incredible detail you put into this map. Amazing job!
Thanks flailx

Quote Originally Posted by J.Edward View Post
Excellent work THW
I'll have to post this over on the FB Guild page.
Thanks J.Edward. I admit I've been out of the loop here so much lately, I didn't even know there was a facebook page

Quote Originally Posted by onez View Post
Wow! Love the Miyazaki-ish colour palette!

(also nice touch with the Giordano Bruno statue on the lower right)
Thanks onez. And well spotted with Giordano Bruno

Quote Originally Posted by Ilanthar View Post
Beautiful and inspiring! I love the numerous details, the underwater city and layout. I kinda agree with Snodsy about some colors being a bit saturated, but it's only a minor matter.
Well done!
Thanks Ilanthar, high praise indeed. I did toy with the idea of a greyscale version, or one that was almost entirely desaturated. But I'm pleased with the result, here, anyway

Quote Originally Posted by thomrey View Post
A really beautiful map and the underwater quarter is a nice idea.
Thanks Thomrey

Quote Originally Posted by Josiah VE View Post
Stunning! It was interesting seeing the slow progress over the time I've been on the guild.
Thanks Josiah. Yeah, it maybe took a bit too long...

Quote Originally Posted by Blaidd Drwg View Post
Jawdropping! And the underwater area really gives it something extra (as if this needed it).
Thanks Blaidd.