Hello and good morning to you folks!

I've come across this site several times over the past two years, and finally I decided I might as well make an account and learn something from here!

I'm 24y/o, and an avid role-player of many systems, be it high/low fantasy, Horror, Sci-fi, modern day, ect. I actually used to draw up maps with my younger sister back...probably over a decade ago now that I think of it. I actually have a picture of an old fantasy world me and my little sis created together, (Sadly I lost the hard copy somewhere over the course of the last 3 years and 4 times moving, both out of my parent's home and going back and forth to college >.<).


I've watched many tutorials on Youtube and such, but I thought here would be a much more in-depth way to learn about the art of cartography. I want to learn partly because me and a friend have been working on a world building project for two years now, and while he is the main artist, I'd love to learn, and contribute some skill other than just being a writer, making maps for our world.

Anyways, thank you for reading my ramble! I hope to learn plenty from being around here!