Hi everyone!
long time ago I wandered into this wonderful website as a cartographer of real and imaginary world.
I'd worked for mapping companies (town maps and local maps for residents and tourisme informations too.
On the other hand I drew a lot of maps by hand (a this very time the computers didn't exist yet... or the rare and huge bitty boxes were too expensive and unusable to draw any map, even a mere rectangle. the ones which came after - in the early 80s - were no suitable too... Nowadays is another matter!!!)

I like old maps and my artwork was influenced by these old prints.
Thus I drew a lot of maps for RPG using the black and white drawing the ancient mapmakers used to render the land and mountains.

Today I resume the old project to redraw it by computer: it's an entire world (a planet)! a silly guy's work, of course, as usual we can see on this website.
The challenge is: the original maps are draw on (very!) large paper sheets, that I couldn't scan easily without lost the quality. So, I photocopied the maps to get a lot of sheet, then to scan these sheets and set up the whole thing into the computer, thank to Photoshop... Of course the file are big big big...
Then I'm drawing the new maps with Affinity Designer, a good software for the mapmaker, better than Illustrator IMO.

In a few times maybe I should post some of the WIP maps of the project.