Quote Originally Posted by Ilanthar View Post
Interesting subject (as usual) and a good map so far. I like the coastlines and color choices. I agree about the way/trail (I suppose?) being a little too large, I like the effect though.
My brother lives near Briançon. There's as often, a lot of claims about where exactly Hannibal crossed the alps .

Thanks for the comments guys and the typos. Ilanthar, I've found about 6 versions of the path Hannibal took, recently the Southern routes are thought to be the more probable. Some old elephant dung is now being looked at to see if they can get any evidence from that? That is the path I am showing - Possible elephant dung and all.

Here's an update, not sure of anything really? Still playing with type color/effects. I wanted a deeper blue water and I've put in a Blue gradient from the top that fades out to the background, but not sure if it's working, trying to get a Colder feel, I'm sure I'll be trying a few different things here. Comments welcome.
