Quote Originally Posted by ChickPea View Post
Nice work! It reminds me a little of tainotim's castles. Assume you'll be colouring it?
Thanks ChickPea! Tainotim, along with a few others, was definitely one of the inspirations behind trying this style of map, so I'm pleased you like it!

I hope to colour it. I might try both and B&W and coloured version, but we'll see.

Quote Originally Posted by snodsy View Post
Looking good, I'd like to see the castle larger and shields smaller, unless those shields are going to be so awesome, that they are the hero's of the page
Thanks snodsy! Yeah, I can definitely see what you mean. I'm hoping once the shield emblems are in there along with text about the corresponding knights that it will work. Still I'll play around and adding to what I said above, colour might really play a big part here.