Hey everyone,

My name is Jared, and i have longed for a forum site like this. I do not really have much to say about myself. I write, I read, i like ambient music, and i play WoW with my wife. Map making is a hobby for me. I have not done much, but i feel as if i put a lot of time and effort into it. It makes me feel good looking at the product i make. I am very passionate about drawing these maps, and i know that i still have a lot to learn. Please give me pointers if you see somthing that could make my products better, or easier to do! I hope to get to know you all better.

I don't use any programs to create my. I don't really know of any. I stick to pen, pencil and paper. Here are some that i have been working on.20161002_220343.jpg20161002_220402.jpg