Hello All!

I have been lurking around the forums for a years or so now, learning and reading all the wonderful tutorials and tips people have. I started looking into this because I find maps, especially fantasy maps, to be a wonderful art. It took a while before I was willing to post something I have made, but hopefully it looks alright.

Originally, I found the site while looking for a copy of the Discworld map; however, the only version I was able to find, and that most members seemed to have, were those copied from book pages or some attempt at practical mapping. I figured if I wanted the map, then the best approach would be the make it myself. The benefit of making Discworld would be that I would not have to worry about being too creative and I could instead focus on learning the skills I needed to use to complete a map. Thus, the following is a highly derivative "copy" of sorts; however, I hope it can maybe help someone out who may stumble across it.
