And the second chunk
Quote Originally Posted by Mouse View Post
Would it help to very slightly shade the front of the first bit of that label?

Anyhow. I think we are all agreed that you absolutely have to do a series of these maps. That would be a dreamer's idea of heaven
I could maybe try to fix it, but sometimes you just learn from it for next time
Haha, well, I was thinking of showing the dragon area and maybe the far wood.... so... maybe
Quote Originally Posted by ladiestorm View Post
J.Edward, you never cease to amaze me! This is an absolute fairy tale beauty!!! I love the farmland, the old leaning tower.... and pretty much everything else!

And happy belated birthday!
Thank you Storm
Quote Originally Posted by jshoer View Post
Truly beautiful! It belongs right at home with the maps in Redwall and Watership Down.
Thank you J That is high praise.
Quote Originally Posted by Matthew VE View Post
Beautiful and inspiring. Amazing work!
I also noticed it was your birthday, so happy belated birthday!
Thanks Matthew
Quote Originally Posted by Voolf View Post
Can't really say more. I am speechless
Thanks Voolf
Quote Originally Posted by Shards View Post
Beautiful work!

I think you achieved the fairytale look very well by all of those turrets and having them a little topsy-turvy is a great little touch.

Your landscaping is just wow... especially those slices of rock formations over the troll cave!!
Thanks so much Shards
Quote Originally Posted by onez View Post
Beautiful map!
I like everything about it, the colour palette, the typography, and the somehow 'wobbly' linework.
I also think it is remarkable how you managed to keep the colours toned down just enough to perfectly integrate with the handmade linework.

Excellent job!

If I had to nitpick I'd only say that an illustrated title banner (The Lands of Trolnarm) for the map would probably add to its already powerful charm.
Thanks Filippo
Yeah, I had thought of doing a banner title for it while I was drawing it... but it just didn't happen.
I'm still not sure where i would put it if I did.
Quote Originally Posted by Ilanthar View Post
And he strikes again ! Another beautiful one, John. The parchments for labels are top-notch and the ambiance very "fairy". I do have a question : will you do some very non-realistic and very pointy peaks one day ?
Thank you Ilanthar
I will have to do a pointy peak map sometime. I started one or two, but they always change.
Quote Originally Posted by Obbehobbe View Post
[Insert what everyone else have said here] + [more awesome response]
Haha, thank you Obbe