Well, I don't fully know if I'll be able to finish this challenge or not, but I've somehow managed with the last few to get a finished piece done, so hopefully I'll do the same here.

I was thinking of a few different things and styles to do, but really just wanted to do a regional map. Equally though, it had to be something that would be identifiable as "the underworld" rather than just me saying "Oh, by the way, this place is underground" , so I thought what better than the most infamous underworld of them all, The Realm of Hades?

I'm not sure what direction I want to take this. Part of me wants to go proper vintage map style on it with little illustrations of things like Cerberus and Charon in place of the classical sea monsters, which I'm pretty tempted by and would certainly test my drawing (buildings are mostly fine, but creatures I always find tough). The other part of me wants to take influence from Max's brilliant Hell maps (here's one https://www.cartographersguild.com/a...7&d=1453313922) the style of which could easily be adapted to somewhere as similar as The Underworld.

I think I'll probably go for the first, because I've never attempted anything near a proper classical style map and it would probably be much lighter than most entries in terms of colour scheme.