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Thread: Kaherm (an attempt to revitalize old map)

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    Wip Kaherm (an attempt to revitalize old map)

    Long time ago, when i was "proudly" becoming a teenager , i was introduced to pen and paper RPG games.
    The most popular that time (and now too i guess) was DnD. My friends, who played for a while, didn't really like a lot of rules there and agreed to just tear off every page that stood in a way to enjoy gameplay. They replaced many rules with their own and at some point they decided to create their own system. And they did. It is called Blood and now when i see it, it is somehow simillar to Call of Cthulhu, but in a fantasy world.
    Anyway this was the point when i jumped in into their group and started playing. I received every rules they had created that time along with a map. Good old MS PAINT map of one continent of world called Kaherm.

    Mapka geograficzna.jpg
    Labels are in polish, because... well was created by Pole.

    So, i have been trying to draw it anew and want to share with you guys in what direction i am going with it. I am aslo hoping to get some advice/critique too because frankly drawing a large scale map is not my strong point (at least not yet).

    So here it is. Just lines (but not done yet)

    1. At this point, my biggest concern is that i covered almost everything from old map, but there is still a lot of white areas and i think it will look bad leaving it like that. I can throw couple of hills here and there, but i am not sure it that solves the problem. What do you think i could add more?

    2. I creaded that massive moutain range on the left side, but maybe it is much of a mess to eye? Also i am not sure of my mountains because at fist glance they looks cool to me, but when i shade them they become ugly (but it may be my inabillity to shade properly).

    3. It is something for later days, but.... any advice how should i colour it and shade? My usual way of painting close up maps seems to fail for world maps. I can not crack the right way to do it for this kind of maps.

    Last edited by Voolf; 10-21-2016 at 01:10 AM.

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