Travelers in this region may find themselves entranced by the soft blue glow of the Zelite crystals adorning many of the local temples and mansions. These expensive crystals don't just emanate light, they also have many mystical and healing properties ascribed to them.

While the location of the mine is jealously guarded, it is possible to visit - if you've got the coin, of course. The partially blindfolded trip through the mountains isn't an easy one, but each month several dozen pilgrims and a couple of rich eccentrics make it. Occasionally, an ill noble or tradesman may beg for a spot in the sick wards when all other options have been exhausted. It is said that no one ever died of illness or injury in these caves, but the price to pay is high: the miners may claim a swath of land, trading privileges, or a year's supply of food and drink. A noble seeking to heal his ill son may even have to lower himself the servitude in the mines for a year to get what he wants.

The crystals this cave produces are securely wrapped and tossed in an underground river. This river surfaces in the city of Caister, where the packages are taken out and stored in a heavily guarded cellar.

I actually started this map earlier this month, but didn't want to post WIPs yet as I wasn't sure whether I liked it enough to finish it. I definitely took a lot on my plate with this! The glowing crystal vein makes for a very tricky light source.

Any and all suggestions/feedback welcome! I think I'll remove the water seeping down from the surface, keeping only the underground river. The lowest cave will be the actual mine/shipping place, and the one above it may be used to grow a special kind of plant/fungus.

### Latest WIP ###