
This is my first time posting here. I think I joined initially like a year ago...but was so flabbergasted by the quality of maps here that I never did post my own. But no more!
I've done a bit of map work here and there, but I would still consider myself new to it. I'm a concept artist and world building fanatic, and most of my personal work (maps included) is done for Riak, my megahuge neverending project for which I have many pages of information written up, alongside maps, drawings of characters, environments, technology, textiles, a plant species guide, a mini dictionary with grammar rules... yeah.

Anyway, I have a world map for Riak, but I'm thinking it may be high time to do some edits for it. In the meantime, I suppose I'll use this as my first post- a regional map of Navalla that I made about six months ago, which I've essentially enlarged and detailed from a chunk of the Riak world map. Some of the locations here are written in my fictional language of Haak, for which I've currently developed a small dictionary and a few grammar rules.

Anyhow. I hand draw all of my maps in Photoshop, and I don't use any stamps or brushes (except my own).

I realize that my style is a bit different from much of what I've seen here, but hopefully you guys will like it. Looking forward to hearing what you think!

Navalla Regional Map 3.jpg