I'm just getting started in the world of map making and wanted to open with a bit of a technical question. I currently run a campaign in roll20 and love the system for so many reasons. My next step is to actually create my own campaign module for my players based off some ideas I've been developing, which has led me to the this lovely place! With that in mind, I created a bit of test map to get a feel for designing a map in PS and help remind myself how to use masking and all those lovely features.

Some background for my question- once I created my bare bones test map and exported, my file size was a surprising 4mb. Not particularly large all things considered and not threatening to my storage cap as a one off, but as I expand my library and assets this will start to take up space quickly, and that map was at a reduced quality. The primary cause is because I'm using larger image sizes, 4000 x 4000, which brings me to my question.

As I am only using/familiar with PS, my image is not vector. Admitting the devil is in the details, if I were to create a relatively similar image in vector, should I assume that the file size would be the same size because I would still export at 4000 x 4000 or would I be able to export a smaller file size but simply expand it within the roll20 page?

Any expertise/experience with this would be fantastic!

Thank you!