This sounded like fun so I had to get in on it.
But then I nearly forgot about my map, till today.
I have some big dice I used... 2inch D6... a big red one and a green one.
I alternated.
First roll was a 6... so... 6 exits and 6 chambers.
Exit 1-chamber 1 roll - 5 [trap] I rolled a 1, so a water based trap
Exit 2-chamber 2 roll - 4
Exit 3-chamber 3 roll - 6 [trap] I rolled a 5, so a fire based trap
Exit 4-chamber 4 roll - 5 [trap] I rolled a 2, so a distracting illusion based trap
Exit 5-chamber 5 roll - 4
Exit 6-chamber 6 roll - 1

But... i was still thinking that the number roll was still for exits from those chambers...
so I ended up doing that number as well.

So from there I just let myself draw on as I felt. Thus... many rooms.
I was going to designate all of the rooms and name them and all that...
but, I thought people might enjoy putting their own info in there for their own games.
I might do some additional maps to go along with this one... like some of the lower levels.
We'll see. Anyways, here's the map. I made it a bit smaller so it would fit printed on an 8.5 x 11 page.
I can also post a version without numbers, or without the traps in there.
There are actually 6 kinds of traps - T1 through T6.
T1 - this is an animated statue trap. Sort of mimic or golem like sort of thing.
T2 - The illusion trap conceals all of the side doors.
T3 - The water based trap is a steam vent trap.
T4 - The fire based trap shoots flames out in 3 directions.
T5 - this is sort of a flying guillotine sort of trap... you trigger it at one point and keep walking right into the trap.
which then cuts off your head.
T6 - this trap is a mix... once sprung, the doors drop down and can't be open until the trap is reset.
The statue becomes animated and attacks. If it succeeds, it will return to it's location and the doors will reopen.

### LATEST WIP ###
Af-Kanari Temple Complex by sirinkman.jpg