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Thread: Ethran: Merelan City

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  1. #32


    Thanks Straf

    I'm thinking of using all six textures mixed together - the lower sections of the city would be built with the heavier tiles, whereas the higher regions might be more commonly built with the lighter weight slate. Both these things having been imported from other locales.

    I think using a mixture would make the city look more natural, even though I will in effect have to make 6 new symbol sets, rather than just 1. Once I have drawn all the houses I will need in CorelDraw, I can then just swap the fills and render 6 images from each drawing

    And I like the blue slate as well - just perhaps a tad darker and a tad more defined.

    EDIT: Or have I got that the wrong way around? Which is heavier and more difficult to get up the cliffs? Is it slate, or tile?
    Last edited by Mouse; 12-03-2016 at 08:01 PM.

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