Forget what you know about real world geography on this one (see world description below).
Beyond that, this is my first full color world map, and it was a challenge. The map was made entirely in Gimp with the aid of my Wacom Intuos Pro. There are many things that I don't like and would have preferred to re-work, but at some point it had to be done! I welcome your comments, critique and encouragement.

Here's the original description of the world I received from my client, so you can understand a bit of why it is the way it is.
"The region was once a single continent, although more than ten thousand years ago in the world’s history a cataclysmic event at its center caused the continent to break apart radially outward. In the present day it exists as a group of island around a larger main island with a lake at its center, the lake surrounded by mountains. Prior to the cataclysm the genasi, a both technologically and magically advanced race, had an empire which spanned the entire continent. They disappeared following the cataclysm, not gradually but in a single instant. What was not destroyed fell into run over thousands of years. As a result of that cataclysm, the continent now exists as a sort of place between places. The shadowfell and feywild bleed through, sometimes in the same place. Each of the four elemental planes bleeds through in one location/sub-region as well. (What I was hoping for with this is that despite the fact the continent would have started with the same, moderate zone climate, the planar bleeding would result in microclimates that align with whatever plane is bleeding through)."

known world medium.png