With just 6 maps left on a fantasy town locations commission for Kobold Press over the holiday season, I needed a momentary break away from fantasy scenes, having already created 13 maps.

So I tried a sci-fi/modern theme that has been on my mind, and the first in a series of sci-fi city locations with pre-fab modular/cargo container styled buildings. The first one is a casino, night club, dance hall, and probably home to a local crime boss.

J'Vago Casino and Night Club map:

Ground floor: exotic dancer bar area to top left with four backlit floor stages, 7 quads of tables, and bar. The spider like things in the octagons at the bar are 5-armed robotic bar tenders able to serve liquor from spigots over it's glass-holding claws. A dance floor with backlit floor and overhead lasers with stage for entertainment. The security office is at bottom right of dance floor area. A spiral staircase and glass-walled elevator at center facing bar area between bar area and dance floor. From left to right at bottom: Break Room with service elevator in corner, dancer quarters/locker room/shower and restroom, customer restrooms for male and female, coat room with hallway to front (right side) to back service door.


Second floor: Casino area at top left with 4 roulette tables, 4 blackjack tables, and 25 slot machines along the walls, with duplicate bar with robot bar tenders as lower level. Bottom left is a commercial kitchen with service elevator at corner, customer restrooms for male and female, a luxury townhouse for crime boss/owner of J'Vago, with observation chamber looking down at dance floor.


Xara Designer Pro x11 (vector drawing application), various photo image textures...