Hey guys, I am new here, but I've been follow this forum since I started looking for cartography techniques. I'm also a DM (Dungeon Master) and I rule a Urban Campaign for D&D 5e.

To improve the players experience about the city. I decided to use my design skills to make a map for the city where my campaign happen. So, I took a long time to started for scratch, because I was deciding about the scale... I've decided a map that I could see all the streets and buildings and etc. And this is a huge amount of work. So, here I am.

I came here to ask you some help with it. How to get faster in the buildings draw. There some techniques that you use that could save more time? Also, I wanted some ideas of urban medieval design.

PS. I used Illustrator to do this (to grant the scale for print). And after I finished, I'll do the pos-production at Photoshop.

Valiria 21.12.17 JPG v03.jpg