I'm running The Moonscar module from Paizo soon, and thought I'd produce a few maps for the purpose. The module describes the Moonscar as:

...a nightmare realm of noise, steamy heat, and danger ... the toxic influence of the Abyss has been particularly strong, and over the millennia has shaped the trees into a twisting mass of bloated flora. The colors are unnatural, changed somehow by the lunar light and the kiss of the Abyss. Pregnant ochre flowers hang from trees made of writhing, vaguely fleshy shapes. Jaundiced, fingerlike leaves hang from thorny growths that resemble blistered limbs a dozen feet long. Liver-colored fungal sacks droop flaccidly above a carpet of sepia rot.
It's also supposed to have a few paths through it, kept clear by a minion of the demons who occupy the area. Here's an encounter map for the Blighted Orchard, the demonic forest on the surface of the moon, with and without grid. 100px to the five-foot square, though you could dial that down to 50 if you wanted more space.

