Greetings from San Jose, CA.

Here's part of a town that I've been sporadically working on with pencil since 1995. It was meant to be for D&D - laid across a cafeteria-table, where every player would have their own unique part of the town facing them.

So far it's grown to 24 sheets of regular sized landscape paper: 3 sheets high by 8 sheets long; or roughly 2 feet x 7 feet. There's around 15 additional sheets of paper, but because I sometimes discard some sheets and/or re-draw, only the 24 currently interlock together into a seamless grid.

Here's a birds-eye of the 24 sheets together:
Attachment 91185

A closeup of the 1st sheet completed (a 2nd draft):
Attachment 91184

And the latest one in progress now (sheet #24):
23 Cathedral.jpg

The Adventurers were meant to start off in the East and meander Westwards before returning on a different route.

Hopefully, I can keep adding more to it before my eyesight goes away from old age.