Greetings all!

Been following the twitter account for Cartographers Guild for a while now since the maps that they post are down right AMAZING. I wish I was half as good, and really need to learn photoshop.

I usually just use maps for the games I'm playing in. I have just recently become the Game Master for one of my games, and finally made a world map for the ongoing campaign that they had with It was a ton of fun, but was a bit restricted. And... uhh, if anyone would like to listen, I come in later around episode 65, it's a podcast called Dire Weasels. Although, I warn, it's pretty crude...

Speaking of which, I do quite a bit of podcasting? Listening to podcasts, recording podcasts, etc. I love to listen to stuff about video games, tabletop roleplaying games, etc.

Not sure what else to say here! I'm hoping to find more inspiration from the great maps people post on here, and I would really love to commission someone to make a map I desperately need help with.

Thanks for reading, and Thank you!