Gosh, am I happy to be able to post this.

The last few months of 2016 were... not great. Every map and world-building related thing I tried fell completely apart and I don't think I got a single thing finished between September and the end of the year. Now, I FINALLY feel like I'm starting to beat the rut I've been in, and, lo and behold, I actually got a map done! Even better, I don't hate this like I did the last one! Of course there's always room for improvement, but all in all, I'm pretty glad how this turned out. Damn, it feels fantastic to be productive again!

For this one I wanted to try a simple style, a map perhaps aimed a bit more for illustration than information. Almost everything is drawn freehand this time - mark my words, I shall master this tablet yet!

In case anyone is interested, this is a setting I cooked up last around last summer, heavily inspired by Finnish folklore and such. I'm hoping to maybe write a story or two that take place in this world somwday (of course I've been saying that for years about numerous settings, but you know, gotta stay positive and all that).

Well, I digress... Here's the map, anywho.


As always, I'd love to hear your thoughts!