Hello everyone! I’m currently working on a novel that might someday be published and I need a world map of two continents on an earth-sized planet. Since I love the maps I can see on your site, I think you could do a great job for me. I am looking for a map in black and white. I already made a template on Photoshop. The places’ names are in French, since it is the language I write in. Besides the mountains, I would like other landscape features to be added. That’s why I made another map, in which the green zones indicate the forests, the yellow zones the deserts, the purple zone is a field of craters, and each of the orange dots is one volcano. Finally, the red lines represent the borders between the different countries.

Size: 8’ by 14’
Payment: $40


I Look forward to seeing the awesome result, thanks in advance,
Ben Azlay