Hi all,
I'm a military brat who has settled in the southeastern USA. At the ripe old age of 11 I began my first foray into D&D, with the original boxed set. Later I discovered Champions, BattleTech, GURPS, RIFTS, the World of Darkness, Call of Cthulu and Cyberpunk, with a few other things tried along the way. I found a spouse who likes RPG's, and we still play frequently.
As needed, I have produced maps for my games, carefully penciled, inked and colored with pencils or markers. Most maps have been used and lost with their game notes during my many moves, reused and damaged over time, or stored with game notes now crammed in storage shed file cabinets. Now I want to learn how to make practical maps for use printed on hardcopy, for my old fashioned tabletop adventures.
Any help I can get, especially from people that don't mind if I crab their really nice work for my time pressed game preparations, is tremendously appreciated. I plan on producing a few myself, and if I do so, I consider them generally to be under Creative Commons Licence.