
I am (admittedly) a huge fan of b&w and ink work, so this map is right up my alley (so to speak) I love the paper stock you chose ... what kind of pen did you use for the ink work? I'm glad to see i'm not the only one who likes to make a large full scale map of enormous proportions and commit solely to hand drawing and inking it.. marvelous work.

I do have some ideas about the ice realm, tho I'm strapped on time I don't know if I'll be able to get anything done to show you some examples.. sorry if I don't get any up before you rework the area.

REH characters is also a nice choice btw.. i'm a huge fan of Howard, being as I live near Cross Plains, his hometown, I visit his house once a year when they have the annual REH festival there. I suggest any fan make the trip at least once... (they host it usually the first or second weekend of June, and for any interested I'll find some emails and/or links to get you the info you need to attend)